Hello World!

I recently watched a YouTube movie called They Call Us Monsters. It was about three teenage boys, who are up to face decades in prison. They are juveniles that are being tried as adults. And yes their crimes are heinous but something within me is conflicted. These boys have killed people, shot at people, paralyzed people, and yet...I don't know.
I guess I see them still as kids. Not to excuse their crimes which are absolutely horrible, but does life without parole make sense for a 14-year old? I just. Okay here's the thing, and if you wait for my next podcast episode I will go more in-depth. I feel like prisons fail people. I did a research assignment when I was in High School and we were supposed to focus on specific subcultures. I chose the prison subculture. And I think ever since I did that project I have been upset with our penal system.
These numbers could have completely changed from 2014 however, I remember that two out of every three people who are released from prison return again within three years. Isn't that crazy!! How? How have we allowed that to happen, how do we all that to happen?
Shouldn't prisons help people learn from their actions, help them to rehabilitate, and help teach them how to make better choices. I don't know, these are the thoughts I have. You can agree or disagree, I just feel that as a society we can do better. People deserve better, we need to do better as a society. I feel like I say all these things like my thoughts will fix or change the world and they probably won't but it's still you know, a thought?
Hopefully, this thought process made sense. I am going to go more into it in my podcast so keep an eye out for that!
Another day as an adult (who doubts the penal system)........damn,
This reminds me of the quote ” humanity should be our race and love our religion”...it’s your humanity that is pricked by your love❤️