Hello World,

This is total clickbait, but oh well
My baby sissy is leaving me. She is going off and chasing her dreams, I am encouraged by this to do the same. She is an amazing young woman, who is going to take the world by storm. I am currently in the process of helping her pack up and move to a city that will allow her dreams to flourish. I am so proud of her, words cannot express my love for her, and how desperately I want her to chase her dream and be happy. If I could offer her the world I would instantly. Automatically without question. As I am helping her pack I can't help but reminisce on all the fun we had. The arguments we had, the laughter we had, and the joy we genuinely shared. Ugh, I am going to miss her. I already wrote a whole post about my sister so I won't repeat myself fully. All I can say is that my person is moving and I am learning slowly that it'll be okay. Big Butt I wrote you a little somethin' somethin'.
Big Butt,
If you're reading this, and hopefully you are, I love you. I am proud of you, and I want the best for you. Give 'em hell, the world is yours and I am excited to see what you do with it. You are the future (no pressure), you are a shining star and I know this journey will make you shine brighter. I am sad to see you go but happy and confident that you'll be okay. I gotta stop being so overprotective and I gotta let you go someday. I love you Big Butt, change the world.
That's it, folks, see you next week!
Another day as an adult (who's saying goodbye).......damn,