Hello World!

Happy Wednesday! Welcome to another installment of Healthy Tasha! I wanted to talk about the importance of mental health. We talk about being physically healthy, but let's talk about being mentally healthy. I the post that will be coming out on Saturday I will be talking about mindfulness, so I am going to save that for Saturday. Today I wanted to talk about a few things that you can do to take care of you (I am not a life coach but these are some things that I like to do).
1) Take a shower: I know this sounds crazy and stupid, but taking a shower is actually super important. It gives you something to do when I was depressed I almost went two weeks without showering. This is disgusting I know but like I said I will always be honest and transparent. I would give myself something small to do like showering and I would reward with a little pat on the back. That small victory makes me want to do something else.
2) Take a deep breath: I feel like sometimes when life gets crazy I am so busy getting the next thing done. When I have time to breathe (this has to do with mindfulness that I'll talk about on Saturday), everything starts to slow down. So if you have time breathe.
3)Turn off your phone: For me, personally social media can be overwhelming. I get nervous when I have too many unopened posts I get anxious. When I say turn your phone off I mean turn off notification for your social media, and if you really need a break just turn off your phone. There is a difference between taking a break and not isolating yourself.
4) Take a walk: If you can walk around your neighborhood (at an appropriate and safe time). I do this when I need time to myself and I usually take my dog with me. It is nice to go for a walk and see your surroundings, to see the trees and how they've changed. To see your neighbors and say hello. And to see that the world is so much bigger than you and you have a place in it.
5) Talk to your tribe: I mentioned this in a previous post, but your tribe is a person or a group of people that you can count on in your times of need. You don't have to reach out to them only when you are in crisis. They are your support system you should be able to talk to them. It's nice to touch base and see what they are up to and fill them in on what you are up to.
6) Binge-watch something: Take a "Me Day"! Spend the day rewatching your favorite shows, or movies. Rewatch Gossip Girl for the hundredth time, or the new show You. Take some time to get cozy under a blanket and do nothing.
7) Dedicate a day to yourself: This is something that I struggle with. Before school started this semester I took the week off from both my jobs and I did nothing. The day was mine, I did whatever I wanted and if I didn't want to do anything I didn't. I went to the gym every day that week. I binge-watched TVshows that week, I had ice cream that week, and I hung out with my friends that week. It was amazing. At first, it was hard to adjust to because I am so used to being on the go, but once I got into the hang of it, I loved it.
8) Listen to music: I love music. I feel that music can change your perspective and your mood. I love to sing, and I love to sing to Beyonce or gospel music which are both sides of the spectrum. Listen to music, dance, have a good time!
9) Read a book: I am a bookworm. I love to read or listen to books, it is a nice escape from the day to day stresses of the world. You get to be someone new, in a new place, even in a new time. I think self-help books can be beneficial as well. It's all apart of investing in yourself and trust me it'll pay off.
10) Write: Write, write, write. Write out your thoughts, your feelings, your hopes, and dreams. I feel that when I write I am able to get all the jumbled that exists in my mind out of my head. It is an amazing way to destress. So give it a try, heck! Do what I do! It's fun and relaxing. Give writing a try!
That's it! These are some things that help give me a boost when I am feeling down. I hope at least one of these works for you!
Another day as an adult (who takes care of her mental health).....damn,
Writing is everything