Hello World!

Say hello to my little friend (scarface voice). This is my best friend, my better half, my confidant, my wing woman, my bestie, my baby sister. For the record, this isn't a picture of the two of us, but hopefully you the gist. My baby sister (who shall not be named) is one of my favorite people on this planet. Since I was on this kick of talking about love I figured I would talk about the love between siblings.
My sister and I weirdly enough didn't get along growing up. We had our days but we would argue, sometimes even fight physically (and yes she would win). It wasn't until we were both in High School (we are three years apart) that we really connected. When I was a senior in High School she was a freshman, and I loved every minute of it. I will be completely honest, I did use my sister's incredible fashion sense to my advantage. She is and was amazing at putting outfits together and my uncoordinated behind needed her help. I think after the day I started asking her for help, we were close ever since.
My sister is an amazing human being. I don't say that very often about people but she truly is. She's smart, she's funny, she has an amazing eye for photography, she has an eye for film, she is an activist, she loves animals, she loves rocks (yes I said rocks), she's honest, and she loves hard. I am one of the lucky people in the world to be loved by her.
I love my sister deeply, and this is a different type of love that I experienced. I love my sister like Meredith Grey loves Christina Yang. When she hurts, I hurt. When she cries, I cry. When she is happy, I am happy. I will always be in her corner and I will always be in her corner. I wanted to write about her because I feel that life is too short. Letting people know that you love them is important. I think the thing that brought us closer was the untimely death of our father. It's sad but it really did. We relied on one another, we were each other's source of comfort. She is my best friend and that hard time in our life changed things in our relationship.
I love my sister, I will always love my sister and I wanted to give her a special shout out. My sister is the best person I know, my sister is the smartest person I know, she is the kindest person I know, she is the most headstrong person I know. I am blessed to know her, and even more blessed to call her my sister. SEEESTÖRE if you're reading this I love you!
Another day as an adult (and a big sister).....damn, Tasha
Love your love for one another