Hello World!

I talked about my sister in my last post and I really wanted to talk about my best friend who has become my sister. She is the yin to my yang. She will always have a special place in my heart. Here is our story.
I met my sister from another mister in first grade. I feel like this story is a testament to my personality. My best friend and I had never met before this. I had just moved up from Florida with my family and I didn't really know anyone. All I remember is seeing a boy pushing a girl to the ground and the next thing I know, I punched him. I was told by my dad that no boy should ever put his hands on a girl. I saw a boy who will remain unnamed, push a girl on the ground and that was it for me. Did I feel about hitting him? Nope and I still don't till this day. Without that situation, I wouldn't have met my best friend.
I don't remember what happened after that all I know is that we were inseparable. We were best friends and our friendship formed very quickly. We've been friends for 17 years! That is a long time! It honestly feels like I've known her forever and honestly that is true. Now everything is beautiful now but back then we had our ups and downs.
There were days where we couldn't stand each other, there were days when we loved each other. Through thick and thin we were at each other's sides. I remember the only time I wasn't a true friend was when we were in high school and my freshman year of college. In High School, I wanted to be popular and to hang out with the "cool" kids I had to act a certain way and dress a certain way. Instead of staying true to who I was, I decided to follow the crowd instead of sticking by my best friend. In my freshman year of college, I was a mean and bitter jerk to everyone. My father had passed earlier that year and I hadn't had time to grieve. I was mad at the world and instead of being there for my friend in her time of need I was focused on myself.
In spite of all of that my friend stuck by me, especially at times when I didn't deserve it. I am grateful that God has put someone like her in my life. She is funny, optimistic, witty, caring, compassionate, friendly, family-oriented, and an all-around good person. She's a teacher and she absolutely adores kids. She is amazing with them and I only wish that she could see how awesome she really is. She is a phenomenal person and shines a light so bright that no one can try to hide it. She is light, she is bubbly, she is my best friend.
To my sister from another mister, I love you from deep within my heart. I will love until we're old and grey. I can't wait to see where the future takes us. I am so honored to have you in my life. I love you lots!
Another day as an adult (who is a pretty lucky gal).....damn, Tasha