Hello World!

This will be a two-part series when it comes to my father. I will talk about my love for him here and I will get into the effect that his passing had on my life.
I loved my dad, he was my whole entire world. He set the standard of how I should be loved by a man, and that bar has never been lowered. My dad was my best friend, he pushed me farther than I knew I could be pushed. We connected when it came to school and S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).
The love I have for my dad is indescribable. I loved that man and he loved me right back. He was an amazing father, he was always there for my sister and I, he didn't miss the important moments. He was there for me in times of need and times when I didn't even know I needed help. He was my confidant, he was my all. I loved him more than I love Beyonce (and I love Beyonce). My dad was caring, my dad was kind, my dad was hilarious, my dad was intelligent, my dad was charismatic, my dad was everything. When he walked into a room everyone smiled, he could make anyone laugh and feel comfortable with him.
I don't think there are enough words to describe how much this man meant to me. Not a lot of people are lucky enough to have an active father in their lives and I was blessed enough to have one. My dad was my soccer coach at one point. Even though it was annoying at the time he was a great coach. My dad was amazing in my biased opinion he was the best dad in the whole entire world.
My mom and dad always told me of the story that happened when I was born. To get to the important point, my dad was at the hospital in a suit and tie, so that I would have a good impression of him when I saw him. I think about this sometimes and I laugh, sometimes I cry, and sometimes I dream about the day that my future husband will dress up to meet our future children. This will be a complete requirement for my future husband. I will always love my father. And I am grateful that I had him in my life for my formative years. I so honored that I was able to call him my father. I was lucky enough to be a daddy's girl. I was lucky enough to have such a present dad and I don't think anyone can top that. I hope that when I find love, and settle down, and have children, I hope my future husband will be an amazing dad like my father.
Another day as an adult (who was a daddy's girl).....damn,
He Loved with his whole heart