I love, love, love, love my grandpa! I love this man with my whole heart, as a matter of fact, he is a part of my heart. He is an amazing human being and I don't know what I would do without him. He is an amazing dad, an amazing, grandpa, and an amazing great-grandpa.
I don't think words can express how much I appreciate this man. When my father died in 2014, that was it for my sister and I's father figure. There was no one to fill in that gap. Without asking or honestly looking for a father figure my grandpa stepped up to the plate. I don't think any of you understand how powerful that is. He is such a wonderful human being. And you know what? It hasn't bee a weird transition at all. I now have a grandpa-dad. It's the best. My grandma had never missed important events in my sibling's lives and he still hasn't, he's there even more if that is possible.
I am crying this as I write this, my grandpa is my world. And I can't imagine my world without him. He is always checking in on me, telling me how proud he is of me, telling me he loves me, encouraging me, supporting me, and being there with hugs and cinnamon gum. This man is phenomenal. He has never let me down and can do no wrong in my eyes.
I think I got my organization and the need for structure from my grandpa. He is organized, on time, focused, level headed, logical, and wise. I get the need to be early or on time for things from him. It gives me such anxiety to be late for something. I don't know how to explain it, I need to either be 5-10min early to something then be on time for something. And I have my grandpa to thank for that. I have learned so much from this man and I am so grateful to have him in my life. I honestly don't know where my heart or head would be without him.
Another day as an adult (as a girl who loves her grandpa)......damn,
God broke the mold when He made him