Hello World!

Back at it again!
I walk towards Livie’s house and head towards the side door, which considering the situation looks pretty suspicious. I open the door, wave to the officer, and head inside. I turn off the hall light and head towards Livie’s room. I know her house like the back of my hand, we’ve been friends since birth, our moms were college roommates, I know her house like the back of my hand. I walk into her room, relieved.
“What..the hell..did...You do?” Livie questions.
“I ran” I say
“You ran from the cops!!” She exclaims
“No, I was running then the cop stopped me” I explain
“Tell me more” Livie says as she lays on her bed and puts her hands under her chin
I explain to her what happened with the officer and how awkward the car ride was.
Ignoring the situation she questions “You were about to PR??”
I nod my head
“Oh my God! That’s freaking amazing!” She says jumping up to give me a hug.
Livie is a sprinter so she gets how big of a deal that is. I open my mouth to say something and then the door to Livie’s room swings open
“Olivia Maria Bruno! Why are you yelling at four in the morning?” She examples
She notices me and says “Hey Sadie baby”.
Livie’s face turns red, she hates being called by her full name.
“Sorry mom” She mumbles.
“Hi, Mrs. Bruno” I say
Livie and her mom look just alike. They both have long naturally curly hair and brown eyes, Livie’s parents are both Italian. Her mom’s Sicilian and her dad’s Bolognas. Both of her grandparents are straight from Italy. Her mom’s Nurse like my mom and her dad is an Architect.
“Sadie, do your mom and dad know you’re here?” Mrs. Bruno asks
You see I could lie, but Livie’s mom has a great sense of BS.
“No” I say putting my head down.
“You’re lucky your mom works the night shift, and your dad is out of town at a conference” Livie’s mom says
“ I know,” I say, still looking at the floor
“I’m going to text your mom in the morning, which is in two hours” She sighs
“Sorry” Livie and I say simultaneously
“It’s fine, I’m going back to bed and you two better be ready at six-thirty for school” She says walking out of the room and closing the door.
Livie and I both look at each other and quietly laugh.
“I keep telling you, your mom loves me more than you” I say between giggles.
“Whatever at least your mom likes me better than you and your brother” She laughs.
“Do you want to sleep or do you want to stay up?” I ask
“Sleep, we’re running drill after school tomorrow for our meet Friday” She states.
“Damn! I forgot” I sigh
“Bedtime it is” Livie says
“Gooood morning!” Livie’s mom says as she bursts through the door
“Ugh” Livie and I exasperate
“I told you two you better be ready at six-thirty and it’s six right now. You got half an hour to shower, get dressed, and eat” She states.
“Ugh” Livie and I say again.
Livie gets up and says “I’ll use the guest bathroom if you want to use my shower”.
I get up and head towards the bathroom. I look at my face, I look tired but there are no bags under my eyes. My skin looks extra chocolatey today and I can see a pimple start to form on my chin.
“Great” I think
“Thank God for box braids, there is no way I’d have time to do my hair” I think gratefully
After I shower I decide to raid Livie’s closet an find a cute hoodie and leggings. The perks of being the same size, I guess.
“Shoot my track clothes are at home, I wonder if Livie has any extra practice clothes that I can borrow” I ponder
“Hey girl” Livie says in a sing-songy voice
“Hey boo” I say
“Hey, you wouldn’t happen to have any practice clothes that I can borrow?” I asked with my fingers crossed
“Of course! You know I have your back” She says as she rummages through her closet.
Livie starts throwing clothes at me and I struggle to catch them all.
“Is that enough options?” Livie asks
“Uh, yea. Wayy too many options” I say
“Well pick one and let’s go” She says as she grabs her backpack and heads downstairs
I wonder if her mom will let me swing by my house before school. Probably not, Livie eats so slow we’ll probably be late to school. I walk down the stairs and
Ooo I want to read more