Hello World,

Today we're going to talk about someone special and as I am writing this I am wondering why I didn't include her in my Love series, anyway, we're going to talk about my Godsister/Little Cousin. My Godsister the 1/3 of what we call the Schuyler Sisters (Hamilton reference). In case you were wondering she's Peggy.
I thought it would be weird to call my Godsister one of my superheroes but it honestly isn't. Here's why. She is constantly on the move, going from one place to another whether it is for cheer, to go to the mall, to hang out with friends, etc. She's a busy teenager. And I am grateful for the time I am able to spend with her. She is my superhero because she is a dream chaser just like my sister. Maybe it's genetic. She knows what she wants and once she knows what she wants she goes for it. I admire and respect that. I think I was like that at her age and it kind of died off the older I got.
Anywho, she is smart, she is extremely talented, and has so much potential. Sometimes I wonder if she can see it. I love her like truly love her. Seeing her succeed makes me proud to call her my Godsister. She can do no wrong in my eyes. I admire the fire she has within her, it's contagious. It makes you want to strive to do more. All I hope is that I am a good enough role model for her. That I am someone she can look up to. I hope she realizes her drive is what motivates my drive too.
Another day as an adult (who knows the flash).........damn,
So sweet