Hello World!

Let's talk about how hard life can be sometimes. Life can suck, it can be hard, and it can be scary. Sometimes I like to say that I can be allergic to life, and want to cancel life for a day. In my opinion, the only way to stay afloat in life is to have a lifeboat. In my case, my lifeboat is my Tribe (as I like to call them). They are always there for me, they pick me up when I'm down, they give me sound advice, and tell me the truth at times when I don't want to hear it.
My tribe consists of my mom, my sister, my aunt, my Godsister, my best friends, my psychiatrist, and my therapist. My tribe is amazing and they each play a different role in my life. My mom and aunt are so supportive and are always there with a word of advice or wisdom. My sisters are there to listen but also tell the facts. They are logical and loving and help me see the reality in certain situations when I am stuck on cloud nine. My best friends are my best friends for a reason. Some I've known since first grade, others I've met in the past few years but it feels like I've known them forever. My therapist and psychiatrist are there to make sure that I am taking care of myself in all aspects. This is my tribe and this is the only way that I can survive in this crazy world. Without them, I don't know where I would be. So to them, I'd like to say thank you!
And all of you have a homework assignment! I want you to get a piece of paper and write down the people in your life that you know you can could on. The people that would pick up the phone if you called them at two in the morning. The people who will be there for you through good times and bad. The people who have seen you and stuck with you at your lowest low, and who will be there cheering you on when you reach your highest height. I want to write down the best way to conveniently contact them. What I do is when I am feeling low or need advice I text my tribe and let them know what is going on. Within minutes I have a response or a phone call. It is an amazing feeling and everyone deserves that! So I urge you to reach out to your new-found tribe, tell them what you need them for. Whether they are there in time of crisis or there when you just need someone to listen. Let them know that you appreciate them and are grateful to have them in your life. I let my tribe know ahead of time when I can see that life is going to kick me in the butt so they know that if they don't hear from me, something is up. You can call your tribe whatever you want, whether it's tribe, crisis team, besties, my rocks, my confidants, my trust circle, etc. I know you can do this and I know in the crazy world we live in everyone could use a tribe. And if you don't have one, you just found one, I'll be more than happy to be a part of your tribe!
Another day as an adult.....damn,
Soul food...